Kenneth Wessollek provided the following Photos as well as the following information about himself.

"I was in Delta Company 1/12th Aircav-Airmobile- from September 1971 until April 1972.  Not sure what platoon I was in-LT. Lee was my LT.
I carried an M-60 machine gun with 700 rounds of ammo, three claymores, three trip flares, five frags, machete, hunting knife, switch blade knife, two gallons of water when I went on LRRP patrols.  Was on Fire Base Pace, Round Rock, Gibraltar, PLeiku in the Easter Offensive.  R&R at Vung Tau. 
E-mail me if you have any questions. 
I was always tired, hungry, dirty, sleepy, wore the same clothes for days with salt stains on them-stiff, didn't bathe for many days."   Kenneth Wessollek.

Good description Kenneth.  Brings back the good old days.  We thank you for sending the photos for all to see.

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